2011 m. spalio 15 d., šeštadienis

Monitoring group. Chains. Gold one. Head heel.

Do you have something to say? I'm waiting, i'm listening, always will. Share everything with me. I will use it all secrets, all dreams for my inspiration- it will create fashion. It will have story.

"Men live in a fantasy world. I know this because I am one, and I actually receive my mail there."

created 2 mixtapes: Pink cinamon pillow and Apple creamy silk. Souds colourful, but still dressing black i found all colours there for the moment.

Creation. These moments when writing this get's me being weird. I forget my language i forget, you, she and him. Have my electronics and dreaming he will play it alongside the bed while i'm going to sleep and rubbing the eyes, which can not close. Like closing blinds. Scared to have them because now can see everything and if i have blinds i will be not able to see what is happening outside. Even sometimes become real outsider and just observe.

2011 m. rugpjūčio 10 d., trečiadienis

Key. Lemon water.Moca


Inspiration comes from those kind of links.

Loneliness and silence is a luxury. Taking every breath in that kind of freedom, every mind is pure. This medidation is perfection. Feeling softer than ever.

2011 m. liepos 25 d., pirmadienis

Tomato color, Dinosaurs. Solitaire. Vogue.

Bought pink sunglasses, because sky became cloudy. 60-ies style- cats eyes.
Bought fall shoes, it is raining where i'm leaving.
Bought hadband, where nobody is interesting in my hair shape..

When you know that I've never been familiar with orders
When you know that my heart is in a pretty disorder
And you should know that in my heart you fill every corner

''Eating words has never given me indigestion.'' Have nowhere to put when, so still chewing, but more to say: i Have no words!

Still charming et mignon et content sowhere deep.

But today i'm burnt and have soldiers wall around me. In few days will grow long hair to go down from tower, but now i have no idea what is now.

2011 m. birželio 1 d., trečiadienis

Ethics.I heart. For the first time i love summer.

my heart wants to run away from chest and run to the sky when i'm looking at it. catch the first plane it sees.

Thought of man pilot, my friend of photographer. And now have my commercial one, but he is my pilot. Was (am) obsest with Richard Bach. When read him for third time understtod metaphor TO FLY. Now i'm flying! Every time to see him flying and when i see him i am still flying, always have my head in the clouds.

8 days to go. 1 luggage to pack. +3000 kilometers to fly. "When you are in love, height, weight, distance, age are just the numbers."

"Noone falls in love by choice, it is by chane. Noone stays in love by chance it is by work and noone falls out of love by chance, it is by choice."

2011 m. gegužės 22 d., sekmadienis

Couture. Oranges with coffee. Cards.

A girl inlove with fashion, yesterday for uncountable time felt in love with oxford shoes. A man came and he was with the same shoes as hers. She loves that man truly, but her shoes- her world.

Does bunny legs suits with it?

Thinking after 18 days to start pre-marriage blog.Or travel one.

Can individualist live with someone? This is the research and question for summer to answer.Opinion now: non! you have you share your life and even live one life.

2011 m. balandžio 19 d., antradienis

Crochet. Amazing. Little ones. Creamy?

I want to call him Sebastian. Do you like it?
Show me the opportunity that i will get for second time.
But she will be Jasmine, like the princess from one of disney movies.

Stop to scare me with big spiders, with full moon.
Play Fingermix again and everything will fit to places. Triangle doesn't go where square is.

2011 m. balandžio 3 d., sekmadienis

Green eyed love. I love you that i let you kill me. 2 boys on bench.

Remembered weekends in Girona, in Paris, in Marseille. Remembered sundays, like this, when i get the feeling of bells ringing in tower at late afternoon. "Junkie without his drug"

short of words? yes, today, sometimes, i value more my inside speaker, when louder one.

"-you are an idiot.
-i'm a dreamer."

The precious cacao color, huge coffee mug, TV show and memories. because waiting new ones to be made. There are white spaces in life when i'm alone, but more creativity colors and phylosophy wide spaces fully filled.

Lacy life i'm living.

2011 m. vasario 23 d., trečiadienis

no tuesday or wednesday.chocolate truffels. waiting for milk.

Who said that fashion is in the streets?

-23 makes me lazy and with one eye at 6a.m. looking at alarm clock, then looking and weather page and it's the second day i'm reading blogs, making fashion on my table.

The fashion shows, catwalk, backstage looks so thrilling, but when you are inside. At photos it's nothing. Looking one blog and in it i'm excited to see how unperfect girl will pose, how colors doesn't match but on her looks stunning, how accsecories are too much and how dazzling heels are. Not the poses that people are learnt to make, not how legs are pulled up in right centimeter system, not perfect make up which makes different faces.

Miu miu heels my wish.
But laces, ribbons, glitter, pearls, flowers, rocks, antique, buttons are on table and waiting to be made into something special.

n= 1+d
n- number of dresses woman wants
d- number of dresses woman really has.

" -He is already getting the milk.
- But he is not living with the cow."

2011 m. vasario 16 d., trečiadienis

Collecting tracklists. Purrrr. Stare at me.

fishing strawberries in tea and look at chronometer hanging infront of you. Definitions need to be written, headbands need to be done, One need to missed.

I asked how i look in the public and it was said: like a good girl, but know that you are not. Want to wear beige and light pink (already wearing), but there are detail, little black bow on the heart. And the heart symbol preffered to be painted black, not red. This moment wearing that only red shirt, that you left for me and i exchange to you one with cubicles.

p.s. i hate red, dreaming to have blue blood.